Reviews – Trustworthy?

3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

One premium online pharmacy service provider is NiceRx. This company is an advocate service that aids qualified people to obtain FDA-approved prescribed medications immediately from American pharmaceutical firms for a flat fee of $49 monthly for any drug they can help. There aren’t any extra charges or unstated charges. Unlike other pharmacies with additional charges, this one will do everything to cut the costs for you!

Domain Details
Registration Date2004-01-08
Owner CountryGB
Business Information
Name of OrganisationNiceRx Ltd.
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
Customer Support
Live Chat Optionno
Free Shippingyes
Payment Methods
American Expressno


Domain Info

The pharmacy website was last registered on July 22, 2020, and is valid for exactly a year. The domain is registered under CloudFlare, Inc. and is in the USA. According to anti-virus programs Norton, McAfee, and Google Safe Browsing, NiceRx is a trusted website and does not distribute malware.



Business Profile

People can get their prescriptions straight from US drug manufacturers with the aid of NiceRx. They assist individuals throughout the United States, encompassing US territories, who have insurance, no insurance, or are simply unable to pay for their prescription drugs.

some info

The company helps qualified people sign up for patient aid programs to get their brand-name medications straight from the drug maker. They will also ask for medicine refills for approximately a year. As long as you have the correct paperwork and prescription from your doctor, it should all be easy. They would work exclusively with your physician’s clinic and deliver your physician the proper documents for their signature. NiceRx has worked with pharma companies that provide qualified people with patient aid programs. They will take care of the whole procedure on your behalf, assisting you in getting access to your prescriptions at a reasonable cost.


Regulatory Approvals

LegitScript classifies this website or merchant as legitimate. However, it has not been certified by LegitScript as part of their Healthcare Merchant Certification Program. The most likely reason this website is rated “legitimate” is that it has been certified by another similar certification program that LegitScript recognizes as credible. The pharmacy website is also NABP verified.



Products and Pricing

More than 1,500 brand-name pharmaceuticals that have received FDA approval are available at reasonable prices thanks to NiceRx. So that would save you effort, expense, and stress, we collaborate with your health professional. Whenever it comes time to extend your membership, we will ask for your ongoing refills.


They carry such brands as Vyvanse, Eliquis, and Jardiance, to name a few. As for the pricing, the more medication you need, the higher the price you pay monthly. If you have one type of medication, your monthly bill would be $49; for two, it’s $98; and for three, it’s $147.


Payment and Shipping 

The payment method for the website is through trusted banks and credit cards issued by reputable banking institutions. This includes cards like Visa and MasterCard. The price you pay for your enrolled medication provides shipping and delivery fees. As for the courier and other shipping and delivery details, this information is not available on the website.




The online pharmacy has a 3.7-star review on Trustpilot. This rating is equivalent to the Average, which may need to be more exceptional, but clients have left good comments and reviews about NiceRx. ratingMany clients who have availed of their services have no regrets. They are trusted and have great reviews from customers. They can help their customers get significant discounts and payment aids on the otherwise expensive medicine they need to purchase for their ailments.



One of the few negative reviews about NiceRx is that prescriptions could be late sometimes. However, it is easy to assume that the courier and shipping of the medication can be unpredictable at times as it is affected by many other circumstances that are out of the company’s control. One of the best reasons people have mentioned getting prescriptions is that this company is truthful and can help them financially instead of ripping them off. NiceRx has received positive reviews about being a trustworthy online pharmaceutical for its advocacy to make medication affordable and accessible for those who need them most.

3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

Pharmacy Ranking

Our team has made a list of the best pharmacies which were reviewed by us and chosen to be trusted according to such points as provided location and physical address, fast delivery, good customer feedback, appropriate pricing and having proper registration to conduct the business of selling pharmaceutical products online. Look at this list and find the most convieneint services for yourself.  

by Simon Davis

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