Reviews – Hidden Fraud

1 out of 5 stars (1 / 5) is a massive distributor of generic and otc healthcare meds around the world. Their vision is to give out the best healthcare service and provide therapeutically active ingredients under the best pharmacist to their customers. Also, they plan the delivery of your products in such a manner that they reach you at your earliest convenience. However, there are some troubling questions about the legitimacy of this pharmacy website. So make sure you read to the end of this review as we answer most of these questions intuitively and rationally.

Domain Details
Registration Date2020-08-21
Owner Countryunknown
Business Information
Name of OrganisationMeds Like
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
Customer Support
Live Chat Optionno
Free Shippingno
Payment Methods
American Expressno

Domain information

The first step in our review of is to analyze the domain information of this website. According to, the domain was registered in 2020/08/21 under the registrar Tucows Domains Inc. This means the domain was registered three years ago. However, this does not mean they are genuine and trustworthy, as there are other things we still need to check.

in business since 2020

Furthermore, the domain was last updated on 2023/08/15 and it’s set to expire by 2024/08/21. This means the admin will have to renew the domain in a few months. Nevertheless, this is not a good sign for a business that plans to stay long in the market. Clients are more likely to stick with businesses that show signs of corporate longevity. Also, the raw data on looks suspicious and fake.

Business Profile is home to an extensive range of generic medicine services that you can rely on and have faith in. They pay detailed attention to quality checks and control with fast home delivery. Also, their medicines are accessible from each corner across the globe and you can order them from the comfort of your home with the help of their website. Besides, their products are highly trusted by professionals including specialists, researchers, and druggists.


Furthermore, when we tested the pharmacy website on, we found out that the pharmacy website has a good trust score of 72 out of 100. However, we noticed that warns that the website might be risky. There is an issue analyzing the contents of the website which has made it quite impossible for us to know their true nature. Nevertheless, there are some other indicators that we still need to check.

Regulatory Approvals

Another important thing we need to check before we conclude this review is the regulatory compliance of this pharmacy website. According to the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA), the domain is not a recognized member of the association. This means their operations and activities are illegal and unauthorized. 

Furthermore, when we checked the database of the National Association Board of Pharmacy (NABP), we discovered that the pharmacy website has been added to their not recommended list of safe websites. This means the website is risky and unsafe. So try as much as possible to buy from only verified and certified online stores.

not recommended

Finally, to check for more regulatory approvals, we decided to visit However, the result of our findings revealed that is a “Rogue” pharmacy website. These are websites that do not adhere to accepted standards of medical and/or pharmacy practice, including standards of safety; and/or engage in fraudulent or deceptive business practices.

Products and Pricing

The products available on are generic drugs that have the same quality as the original drugs and the prices are much lower. Also, At, you can find medicines to cure a plethora of diseases like:

hot deals
  • cancer
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • diabetes
  • osteoporosis
  • eye disorders
  • infections, etc.

However, the genuineness of these medications remains a big question.

Furthermore, the cost of medications available on is filled with a lot of bonuses and discounts. Customers are rewarded with a lot of offers to make their buying experience awesome and memorable. However, you need to be very careful as scammers can use this method to lure you into taking action.

Payments and Shipping

There are different payment methods customers can choose from to complete their orders. However, you need to know that your card will be charged immediately after you complete the transaction on their payment portal. So you should make use of a smaller amount to test the platform. However, we shouldn’t rule out the possibility of having your card details stored in a hidden database on the website. 

Furthermore, has a dedicated quality control department that verifies your product packaging and ensures it’s safe and secured until it reaches you. However, there is a waiting period of 15 to 20 days for the medicines to be delivered to your doorstep. So if you don’t see your medications after this waiting period, you can call their helpline. Although in most cases with websites like this, it’s assumed your money is gone.


To know what other people are saying about the pharmacy website, we checked the database of However, the result of our findings revealed a lot of mixed reviews. There were a lot of negative as well as positive reviews on the platform.

negative comments

Also, while some customers were happy and thankful to the management of the website, others felt scammed and cheated. Nevertheless, the website was able to rank 3.9 stars despite the negative reviews on the platform.


After a rigorous review and evaluation of the above data, we decided not to recommend to our readers and visitors. We therefore advise people to stay away from this pharmacy website as they look suspicious and fake. Also, NABP, Legitscript, and CIPA have blacklisted the website as unsafe and untrustworthy. However, if you’re interested in a more secure and reputable online store, feel free to comb through our blog. 

1 out of 5 stars (1 / 5)

Pharmacy Ranking

Our team has made a list of the best pharmacies which were reviewed by us and chosen to be trusted according to such points as provided location and physical address, fast delivery, good customer feedback, appropriate pricing and having proper registration to conduct the business of selling pharmaceutical products online. Look at this list and find the most convieneint services for yourself.  
by Simon Davis

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