Reviews – Proven Legit

3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

On opening the site, it looks professional and simple. It claims to offer nursing care, urgent care, walk-in services, emergency line and also an online e-visit if you need to talk to a professional. Essential Health is an organization that serves Minnesota residents. They are headquartered in Duluth. The organization boasts of over 2000 qualified physicians and specialized practitioners. They all work towards improving the health of sick people. We decided to do a review of this site to find out if it is a legit company or a scam.

Domain Details
Registration Date2004-11-03
Owner CountryUnited States
Business Information
Name of OrganisationEssentia Health
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
Customer Support
Live Chat Optionno
Free Shippingno
Payment Methods
American Expressno


Domain Info

Their domain name is legit. It has been in existence for over 15 years. It has a life span of 19 years since its registration on 3rd November 2004. The registrar of the domain name is Network Solutions, LLC. It expires on 3rd November 2023. The last time the website domain name was updated was on 7th June 2018.



Business Profile

The owner of this business is known as Essentia Health and the company is located in the United States 100%. The location is specific as opposed to many medical dealers online who input more than two locations on their addresses. The website has been in existence for 14 Years and 269 Days meaning it has been performing. Most scam sites do not last that long in operation.



Regulatory Approvals


On ScamAdviser, this website has a 100% rating. It has a trust rating which is awesome meaning that you can have an honest transaction with them. The server used by this site has 25 other websites using the same server. The websites under this server have a rating of above 80% with the majority having 100% rating. This shows that the site is a legit one. On checking the site on LegitScript. This website has been classified by LegitScript as a legitimate site. The site has not been certified by the LegitScript merchant certification program. It has been rated legitimate because another site that is recognized by LegitScript as credible has certified it. It is, therefore, a legit site to use for your medication or medical consultations.


Products and Pricing

The services provided by this organization involve nurse care line, convenient care, walk-in care, urgent care, and emergency medicine. They basically offer lots of services and have physicians, nurses, and specialists all over the United States. All you have to do is insert your location on their safe website and they’ll offer you a closer location where you can visit and get their services. It is that simple! They do all these online or you can visit any of their centers distributed around the USA. You select your symptoms and the site directs you to their specialist located near you. They charge only $35 for consultation and medication which is quite very much affordable.



Payment Methods

The site is fully secure with an SSL certificate. On opening the site on google chrome, you notice it has a locked tab up there showing the details about the site. Your financial information is very secure with this site. The site has three modes of payment. They are:

ordering✔ Paying Online
✔ Paying by Mail
✔ Paying by Phone

To pay online, you first login as an MY Health Guest. You will need a guarantor number from your bill. You can also log in as My Health Member and pay. You can also pay by mail in that you send your payment in the return envelope that came inside the billing envelope. Lastly, you can make payments through your phone any time any day. You simply call 218-786-3333 and dial option two or call 1-800-985-4675 and click option two.



On looking for the site at TrustPilot, unfortunately, it is not recognized. This makes it very difficult to know whether they really offer the services they claim to offer or not. TrustPilot is a trusted website for reviewing sites according to what they give to clients. However, not being here does not mean that the site is rogue. It could have been much better if it were listed on the website.



Conclusion has most of the requirements fulfilled for running a medical site. In our honest and humble opinion, the site is legit. You can go ahead and make transactions with it. We rate it 4 out of 5 stars. Despite a few corrections that can’t be overlooked upon, this site is legit to work with.

3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

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