Reviews – Questionable Legitimacy

1 out of 5 stars (1 / 5) is an online pharmacy that claims to offer a wide range of prescription medications at competitive prices. With the growing number of online pharmacies, it’s essential to verify the legitimacy of such platforms to ensure safety. This review aims to assess whether is a reliable source for medications or if it operates as a scam. We will analyze key aspects, including domain information, business profile, regulatory approvals, and customer feedback, to provide a comprehensive evaluation of

Domain Details
Registration Date2022-02-04
Owner CountryRussia
Business Information
Name of OrganisationPharmacy Online
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
Customer Support
Live Chat Optionno
Free Shippingno
Payment Methods
American Expressno

Domain Information

The domain for was registered on 24-05-2017, with its registration set to expire on 23-05-2025. The domain was last updated on 03-04-2024.

registered in Russia

The website has been operational for a few years, which may suggest stability. However, the domain is registered in Russia, which is suspicious. Moreover, the names of the owner and organization are hidden, which is another red flag.

  • Domain registered on: 24-05-2017
  • Address provided: Russia
  • Phone number: No


Business Profile 

The business profile of raises red flags. It holds a low TrustScore of 23% on, indicating potential issues with credibility.

23% of trust

Additionally, the website lacks significant traffic, which further questions its legitimacy. also has no customer reviews on trusted platforms like, making it difficult for potential customers to assess the service quality. These factors suggest that may not be a trustworthy source for purchasing medications.

  • Organization name: No
  • Address provided: No
  • Phone number: +1 (425) 577 7756


Regulatory Approvals has been declared rogue by, which tracks the safety and legitimacy of online pharmacies. Furthermore, it is listed on the NABP’s “not recommended” list, indicating that it does not comply with required regulatory standards.


Without the proper regulatory approvals, the safety and quality of the medications offered on are highly questionable, making it risky for consumers to purchase from this website.


Available Products and Pricing offers various medications, including Anti-inflammatories, Antiallergic, Antibiotics, and Anticonvulsants, with a primary focus on men’s and women’s health products. The prices for each medication are displayed on the site, and while they may appear attractive, there is no guarantee that the products are FDA-approved.

popular drugs

The lack of regulatory certifications raises significant concerns about the quality and authenticity of these medications, making them potentially unsafe for consumers.


Payment and Shipping Methods provides two shipping options: Express International Mail at $30 with delivery in 5-9 business days after dispatch, and Standard International Airmail at $10 with a delivery time of 10-21 days after dispatch. The express option includes tracking, while standard shipping does not.

Payment options include credit cards and Bitcoin. While these payment and shipping methods are standard, they do not offset the broader concerns about the legitimacy of this pharmacy.


Customer Reviews About lacks any customer reviews on platforms like, which is a strong indicator of its questionable legitimacy. The absence of real customer feedback makes it impossible to verify whether users are receiving genuine medications or if the pharmacy is fulfilling orders properly.


This lack of transparency suggests that may be a scam, and consumers should be cautious before making any purchases.


Is a Scam or Legit?

Based on various factors, appears to be a scam. Its lack of regulatory approvals, low trust score, absence of customer reviews, and being listed on the NABP’s “not recommended” list all point to significant concerns about its legitimacy.

While the website offers a range of medications at seemingly low prices, the risks associated with purchasing from an unverified and potentially unsafe source make it inadvisable to use for any medication needs.


Conclusion displays numerous red flags that suggest it is not a legitimate or trustworthy online pharmacy. Its low trust score, lack of regulatory certifications, and absence of customer reviews raise serious concerns about the safety and authenticity of the medications it offers.

While the website may attract consumers with low prices, the potential risks far outweigh the benefits. It is strongly recommended to avoid and seek medications from verified and trusted sources to ensure safety and quality. We give this pharmacy 1 out of 5 stars!

1 out of 5 stars (1 / 5)

Pharmacy Ranking

Our team has made a list of the best pharmacies which were reviewed by us and chosen to be trusted according to such points as provided location and physical address, fast delivery, good customer feedback, appropriate pricing and having proper registration to conduct the business of selling pharmaceutical products online. Look at this list and find the most convieneint services for yourself.  
by Simon Davis

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