Reviews – Nothing Impressive

1 out of 5 stars (1 / 5) is an online supplier of generic medicines. According to this pharmacy, they attempt to sell quality generic drugs at a low price tag. Are you looking for more info about this drugstore website? If yes, then you have landed on the right page. In the below sections of this review, you will reveal the domain info, business profile info, regulatory approvals, and much more too.

Domain Details
Registration Date2018-01-19
Owner CountryFrance
Business Information
Name of OrganisationOnline Pharmacy 24
Licenses, Certificates and Approvals
LegitScriptnot in the database
Customer Support
Live Chat Optionno
Free Shippingno
Payment Methods
American Expressno


Domain Info

Let’s now validate the domain info of this internet pharmacy. The domain info of this drugstore platform is all mentioned on WhoIs. During our investigation and analysis of this drugstore and its domain, we have found out the registrar’s name, domain registration date, expiry date, and more. The domain is registered on a recent date i.e. 2018-01-19. Thus, you can understand that the site is a newbie and they do not have much experience. It will be expired on 2021-01-19 and thus you can understand that the platform has relatively short domain longevity. Also, we have tried to find out the domain registrant contact info as well. The state name is given as PR and the country name is mentioned as BR. There is an email address provided too. But, it looks like all of these details are fake.



Business Profile


Let’s now have a quick look at the business profile details of this online drugstore. According to ScamAdviser, the site has received a trust rating of 88%. This is indeed a high trust rating and it further implies that the platform is safe. But, we will still recommend you to avoid this drugstore as the site is totally unsafe and unreliable. Unfortunately, the platform has not shared many details about its business profile. For example, the business owner’s name, organization name, and address – everything is redacted for privacy. There are only two possible country likelihoods, such as France and Brazil. Thus, there is a probability that the drugstore is operating from either Brazil or France.


Regulatory Approvals

Will you like to know if this drugstore has received any regulatory approvals or not? If yes, then please reveal our findings in this section. We have checked to find out if this drugstore is approved by this regulatory agency. Unfortunately, LegitScript has not approved this drugstore. In fact, LegitScript doesn’t have any info about this platform. Hence, it’s evident that the site is operating the business without any regulatory approvals.

not in base


Products and Pricing

This pharmacy mostly deals with low-quality generic medicines. It looks like the site doesn’t sell brand-name pills. These drugs are sourced from unlicensed and unauthorized drug manufacturers. That’s why the quality of these medicines is definitely counterfeit. It will be better if you can avoid these drugs and do not intake them ever. The pricing of these medicines is low. The average rate of the drugs is lower than the standard industry price. One of their major drug categories includes men’s health-related medicines. Now, this is a very common factor of all rogue internet drugstores. These platforms mainly aim to sell low-quality and counterfeit men’s health-related drugs.



Payment and Shipping

This drugstore accepts card-based payment methods. For example, you can place an order with this pharmacy with both debit and credit cards. You can either use Visa or MasterCard to place your orders. Note, the pharmacy ships their medicines through EMS speed mail service. Well, EMS speed mail comes with a tracking number using which your orders can be tracked. Plus, the Airmail shipping option is available too.



Delivery Timeline

The actual delivery timeline is not provided as such. It all depends on the actual delivery address of the recipient. For EMS, all the orders are expected to be delivered within 10 business days. For Airmail delivery, the estimated delivery timeline is 3 weeks.



Customer Reviews

We have tried to validate if this pharmacy has received any customer testimonials via TrustPilot. But, there are no customer reviews posted for this drugstore website. The overall rating and review for this pharmacy are nil.

no reviews


Conclusion seems to be a scam. It’s not running a legit business. We have rated it with 1 star.

1 out of 5 stars (1 / 5)

Pharmacy Ranking

Our team has made a list of the best pharmacies which were reviewed by us and chosen to be trusted according to such points as provided location and physical address, fast delivery, good customer feedback, appropriate pricing and having proper registration to conduct the business of selling pharmaceutical products online. Look at this list and find the most convieneint services for yourself.  

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